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SCHEME FOR NATURALISATION OF INVESTORS IN CYPRUS BY EXCEPTION on the basis of subsection (2) of section 111A of the Civil Registry Laws of 2002-2015 根据“2002 - 2015年民事登记处法”第111A条第(2)款,按照例外规定,塞浦路斯投资者归化入籍计划。 One of the main objectives of the economic policy of the Republic of Cyprus is to further encourage Foreign Direct Investment and to attract high net worth individuals to settle and do business in Cyprus. Key factors that make Cyprus an attractive destination for investment, is the highly specialized human capital, the reliable legislative and regulatory framework, the stable tax system and the safety and stability conditions prevailing in the country. 塞浦路斯共和国经济政策的主要目标之一是进一步鼓励外商直接投资,吸引高资产人士在塞浦路斯定居和经商。使塞浦路斯成为有吸引力的投资目的地的关键因素是高度专业化的人力资本,可靠的立法和监管框架,稳定的税收制度和国家的安全、稳定。

Within this framework and taking into account the strong investor interest, the Government of Cyprus has established and revised a "Scheme for Naturalization of non-Cypriot investors by exception" on the basis of subsection (2) of section 111A of the Civil Registry Laws of 2002-2015, with specific incentives, terms and conditions and control procedures in order to prevent abuse.

在此框架内,并考虑到投资者浓厚兴趣,塞浦路斯政府在已建立的民事登记法第111A条第(2)的基础上修订了“对非塞浦路斯投资者归化入籍方案” 具体的激励措施,条款和条件以及控制程序,以防止滥用。 On the basis of the Scheme, a non-Cypriot citizen, who meets one of the following economic criteria (A), either personally or through a company/ companies in which he/ she participates as a shareholder – in proportion to his holding percentage, or through investments done by his/her spouse or jointly with the spouse or even as a high-ranking senior manager of a company/ companies that meets one of the economic criteria (A), may apply for the acquisition of the Cypriot citizenship through naturalization by exception. 根据该计划,非塞浦路斯公民,以个人或通过他/她作为股东参与的公司/公司按照其持有比例的比例符合以下经济标准之一(A) 或通过配偶或与配偶共同完成的投资,甚至是符合经济标准(A)的公司/公司的高级管理人员,可以申请通过例外法案的归化获得塞浦路斯公民身份。 A high-ranking senior manager may apply, provided that he/she receives such a remuneration that generates for the Republic tax revenues of at least €100,000 over a three year period and provided that this tax has already been paid or prepaid. 高级管理人员可以申请,条件是他/她收到这样一种报酬,即在三年内为共和国的税收收入至少为100,000欧元,而且已经支付或预付了这笔税款。 The applicant should have made the necessary investments during the three years preceding the date of the application and must retain the said investments for a period of at least three years as from the date of the naturalization. 申请人应在申请之日起三年内进行必要的投资,并自入籍之日起至少保留3年以上的投资。 In addition, the applicant must fulfil the Terms and Conditions set out in Part B. 此外,申请人必须履行B部分规定的条款和条件。In the case where, following a periodic inspection, it has been established that a criterion, term or condition of the Scheme has been breached, the granted naturalization may be revoked. 在定期检查之后,已确定该计划的标准、条款或条件已被违反,准予入籍可能被撤销。Α. CRITERIA     A. 准则 Α.1 Investment in real estate, land development and infrastructure projects: The applicant must have made an investment of at least €2.0 million for the purchase or construction of buildings or for the construction of other land development projects (residential or commercial developments, developments in the tourism sector) or other infrastructure projects. 申请人必须投资至少200万欧元用于购买或建造建筑物或建造其他土地开发项目(住宅或商业开发,旅游部门发展)或其他基础设施项目。 It is noted that investment in land under development is included in this criterion, provided that an investment plan for the development of the purchased land will be included in the application. It is understood that investment in land that is situated in a building zone of zero development, is excluded. 值得注意的是,在开发中的土地投资被纳入这一标准,前提是将采购土地开发投资计划纳入申请。 需要明白的是位于零发展建设区的土地投资被排除在外。 Α.2 Purchase or Establishment or Participation in Cypriot Companies or Businesses:   A.2 购买或设立或参与塞浦路斯公司或商业: The applicant should have made a purchase or should have participated in companies or organizations established and operating in the Republic of Cyprus with investment costs of at least €2,0 million. The invested funds shall be channeled towards the financing of the investment objectives of these companies exclusively in Cyprus, based on a specific investment plan.   申请人应该已经购买或已经参与在塞浦路斯共和国建立和运营的公司或组织,投资费用至少为200万欧元。根据具体的投资计划,投入资金将只用于这些在塞浦路斯的投资目标公司的融资。 The applications shall be evaluated to verify that the companies or organizations have proven physical presence in Cyprus, with significant activity and turnover and employ at least five (5) Cypriot or citizens of European Union member-states. The minimum number of employees shall increase, if more than one applicant invest simultaneously or almost simultaneously in the same business or company. In addition, the employees of the companies need to have legally and continuously resided in Cyprus during the five years preceding the application submission date.   应对这些申请进行评估,以核实公司或组织在塞浦路斯的实际存在,具有重大活动和营业额,并雇用至少五(5)名塞浦路斯人或欧盟成员国公民。 如果一个以上的申请人同时或几乎同时在同一企业或公司进行投资,雇员的最低人数应增加。 此外,在申请提交之日起五年内,公司的雇员需要合法持续居住在塞浦路斯。

Α.3 Investment in Alternative Investment Funds or financial assets of Cypriot companies or Cypriot organizations that are licensed by CySec : Α.3投资由CySec许可的另类投资基金或者塞浦路斯公司或组织的金融资产 The applicant should have bought units of at least €2,0 million from alternative investment funds (AIF) established in the Republic of Cyprus, licensed and supervised by the CySec and whose investments are made exclusively in the Republic of Cyprus, in investments that meet the criteria of this Scheme or in areas approved by the Minister of Finance. 申请人应已经购买在塞浦路斯共和国设立的,由CySec许可和监督的替代投资基金(AIF),至少购买200万欧元,其投资完全在塞浦路斯共和国进行投资,且符合该计划的标准或在财政部长批准的地区。 In order to confirm that the investments that meet the criteria of the current Scheme will be kept for at least three years, the manager or the auditor of the Fund shall inform in writing and on an annual basis, the Ministries of Finance and Interior with reference to the value of the initial investment. 为了确认符合当前方案的标准的投资将至少保存三年,经理或基金的审计师应以书面形式,并在年度基础上通知财政部和内政部参考初始投资的价值。 The purchase of financial assets of Cypriot companies or organizations of at least €2,0 million, such as bonds, bills and securities, issued with the approval of the CySec, by companies that have proven physical presence and substantial economic activity in the Republic of Cyprus, and have as a purpose the financing of the investment plans of these companies or organizations exclusively in Cyprus, based on an investment plan, fall under this criterion. 购买塞浦路斯公司或组织至少200万欧元的金融资产,如债券,票据和证券,经CySec批准,在塞浦路斯共和国已经证实有实际经营活动的公司, 并且根据投资计划,这些专门在塞浦路斯的这些公司或组织的投资计划的融资是符合这一标准。

It is noted that the purchase by an AIF of units of other AIFs is not considered eligible. 值得注意的是,AIF或其他AIF单位的购买并不符合资格。 Α.4 Combination of the aforementioned investments: Α.4 上述投资的组合: The applicant may proceed with a combination of the above investments, provided that the total investment will amount up to at least €2,0 million. 申请人可进行上述投资组合,但总投资额最少可达200万欧元。 Within this criterion (combination of investments) the applicant may purchase special government bonds of the Republic of Cyprus, up to €500.000, which will be issued by the Public Debt Management Office of the Ministry of Finance, on condition that the investor will retain these bonds for a three year period. The characteristics and the terms of these special bonds will be determined by the General and Special Issue Terms of the Government Bonds of the Republic of Cyprus. Investments in government bonds through the secondary market are not considered eligible. 在该标准(投资组合)内,申请人可以购买塞浦路斯共和国特别政府债券,最高为500,000欧元,由财政部公共债务管理办公室出具,条件是投资者将保留这些债券为期三年。 这些特别债券的特点和条款将由塞浦路斯共和国政府债券的一般和特殊条款确定。 通过二级市场对政府债券的投资不符合资格。 B. TERMS AND CONDITIONS B.条款和条件 1. Clean Criminal Record: the applicant must have a clean criminal record. Furthermore, his name must not be included in the list of persons whose assets, within the boundaries of the European Union, have been frozen as the result of sanctions. 1.无犯罪记录:申请人必须有一个无犯罪记录。 此外,他的名字不得列入由于制裁而在欧盟范围内资产被冻结的人员名单。 2. Residence in the Republic of Cyprus: In all cases listed in Part A, the applicant must possess a permanent privately-owned residence in the Republic of Cyprus, the purchase price of which must be at least €500.000, plus V.A.T. 2.塞浦路斯共和国居住:在A部分列出的所有情况下,申请人必须在塞浦路斯共和国拥有一个永久私人住所,加上V.A.T(增值税),其购买价格必须至少为€500.000。 It is noted that members of the same family, who apply separately as investors, can collectively acquire a residence, provided that the total value of this home-property covers the amount of €500.000 per each applicant. 需要注意,同一家庭的成员分开单独申请投资,可以集体取得一个住所,只要这个房产的总价值满足每个申请人500,000欧元的要求。(举例,一个家庭,2人分开独立申请,在塞浦路斯住同一套房,那这套房子的价值不低于100万,即欧50万欧*2人)

In case that the purchase value of the permanent privately owned residence in Cyprus exceeds the amount of €500,000, part of this additional amount can be used for purposes of supplementing the total amount of the investment made on the basis of the criteria of Part A above. 如果塞浦路斯永久性私人住宅的购买价值超过了50万欧元,则可以使用这部分额外金额作为补充基于上述A部分标准的投资总额的目的。 Additionally, it is noted that if the applicant has invested in housing unit/units on the basis of the aforementioned criterion A.1, the purchase of another permanent residence in Cyprus will not be required, if at least one of these housing units is worth at least €500,000, plus VAT, provided that the applicant retains the possession of the residence for life. 另外,如果申请人在上述标准A.1的基础上对住房单位进行了投资,如果这些住房单元中,加上增值税,至少有一个是价值50万欧元,则不需要在塞浦路斯购买另一个永久居住房,前提是申请人保有住所的所有权。 3. Residence Permit in Cyprus: The applicant, prior to his/her naturalization as a Cypriot citizen must hold a residence permit in Cyprus. 3.塞浦路斯居留证:申请人在塞浦路斯公民入籍前,必须在塞浦路斯持有居留许可。 If the applicant does not already hold a residence permit, he/she may apply for an immigration permit on the basis of Regulation 6 (2) of the Aliens and Immigration Law, simultaneously with the application for naturalization. If the application for acquiring an immigration permit is made solely for purposes of acquiring the Cypriot citizenship, in accordance with the provisions of this Scheme, there are no other conditions than those stated in both Part A and Part B of this Scheme. 如果申请人尚未持有居留证,可以根据“外国人和移民法”第6(2)条申请入籍许可证,同时申请入籍申请。 如果获得移民许可证的申请完全是为了获得塞浦路斯公民身份,则按照本计划的规定,除本计划A和B部分所述之外,没有其他条件。 It is noted that all of the above also apply for the adult members of the family of the investor, who will apply for naturalization. 值得注意的是,所有这些都适用于申请入籍的投资者家庭成员。 In case the application for naturalization is rejected for any reason, the immigration permit, obtained in accordance with the provisions of this Decision, will be cancelled immediately. 入籍申请由于任意原因被拒绝的,根据本决议规定取得的移民许可证将被立即取消。

C. SUBMISSION OF DOCUMENTS C.提交文件 For the evaluation of the applications the form (M127 - can be found at the bottom of this page) as well as the following documents must be submitted: 对于申请的评估,必须提交表格(M127 - 可以在本页底部找到)以及以下文件: 1. Clean Criminal Record: 1.无犯罪记录: Certificate of Clean Criminal Record from the country of origin and the country of residence (if different). 来自原籍国和居住国(如果不同)的无犯罪记录证明书。 2. Residence in the Republic of Cyprus: 2.塞浦路斯共和国居住: (a) Contract of Sale. (b) Title Deeds or Proof of Registration of the contract with the Lands and Surveys Department. (c) Proof of payment of the agreed purchase price. (d) Copy of the wire transfer to a Cypriot commercial banking institution in the name of the seller or the seller’s company. (e) An evaluation certificate from an independent registered land surveyor, if required by the Ministry of Interior or the Ministry of Finance. (a)销售合同。 (b)与土地调查部签订合同的标题契据或证明。 (c)商定购买价格的支付证明。 (d)以卖方或卖方公司的名义将电汇复制到塞浦路斯商业银行机构。 (e)独立注册土地测量师的评估证书,如果内政部或财政部要求。 3. Criteria regarding the investment (when applicable): 3.投资标准(适用时): (a) Certificate of Registration of the company/ companies by the Registrar of Companies. (b) Certificate of shareholders by the Registrar of Companies or certificates evidencing that the applicant is the beneficiary owner of the company/ companies. (c) Audited accounts of the company (or companies) for the last three years preceding the year of the application. (d) If the applicant is a high-ranking senior manager, the submission of the employment contract and the receipt from the Department of Inland Revenue are additionally required. (e) If the investment is made by the spouse of the applicant or jointly, a marriage certificate is required. (a)公司注册处的公司/公司注册证书。 (b)公司注册处的股东证书或证明申请人是公司/公司受益人的证明。 (c)在申请年度前三年内公司(或公司)的审计帐目。 (d)如果申请人是高级高级管理人员,则需要提交就业合同和税务局的收据。 (e)如果投资是由申请人配偶或共同作出的,则需要结婚证书。

Furthermore, depending on the case, the following are required: 1. Investment in real estate, land development and infrastructure projects (a) Contract of sale. (b) Title Deeds or Proof of Registration of the contract with the Lands and Surveys Department. (c) Proofs of payment of the agreed purchase price. (d) Copy of the wire transfer to a Cypriot commercial banking institution in the name of the seller or the seller’s company. (e) An evaluation certificate from an independent registered land surveyor, if required by the Ministry of Interior or the Ministry of Finance. (f) Investment Plan for the development of the purchased land, if the investment involves the purchase of land under development 此外,根据情况,需要以下内容: 1.投资房地产、土地开发和基础设施项目 (a)销售合同。 (b)与土地调查部签订的地契或登记证明文件。 (c)支付商定的购买价格的证明。 (d)以卖方或卖方公司名义向塞浦路斯商业银行机构转让电汇的副本。 (e)根据内政部或财政部的要求,由独立登记土地测量师出具的评估证书。 (f)购买土地的投资计划,如果投资涉及购买开发中的土地 2. Purchase or Establishment or Participation in Cypriot Companies or Businesses (a) Contract of sale. (b) Proof of payment of the agreed purchase price. (c) Certificate of shareholders by the Registrar of Companies. (d) Copy of the wire transfer to a Cypriot commercial banking institution in the name of the company or the organization. (e) Specific investment plan. (f) Copies of the employment contracts of the Cypriot or European Union citizens employed by the company in which the applicant has invested. (g) Confirmation from the Social Insurance Department as to the insurable income of the Cypriot or European Union citizens employed in the company. (h) Copy of the Social Insurance Contributions for every Cypriot or European Union citizen employee. (i) Registration Certificate (MEU1) or Permanent Registration Certificate of Union Citizen (MEU3) for employees that are European Union citizens. 2.购买或设立或参与塞浦路斯公司或企业 (a)销售合同。 (b)议定购买价格的支付证明。 (c)公司注册处处长的股东证明书。 (d)以公司或组织的名义将电汇复制到塞浦路斯商业银行机构。 (e)具体投资计划。 (f)申请人投资公司雇用的塞浦路斯人或欧盟公民的雇佣合同的副本。 (g)从社会保险部门确认在公司受雇的塞浦路斯人或欧盟公民的可保收入。 (h)每个塞浦路斯或欧盟公民雇员的社会保险缴款副本。 (i)欧盟公民员工的登记证(MEU1)或联盟公民永久登记证(MEU3)。

3. Investment in Alternative Investment Funds or financial assets of Cypriot companies or Cypriot organizations that are licensed by CySec: (a) Title/Titles and other relevant documents of the financial assets / units purchased. (b) Copy of the wire transfer to a Cypriot commercial banking institution in the name of the company or the organization. (c) Specific investment plan. (d) Confirmation by the CySec. 3.投资由CySec许可的另类投资基金或塞浦路斯公司或组织的金融财产: (a)购买的金融资产/单位的所有权/所有权和其他有关文件。 (b)以公司或组织名义向塞浦路斯商业银行机构转让电汇的副本。 (c)具体投资计划。 (d)由cysec确认。 4. Investment in government bonds: (a) Proof from the Public Debt Management Office for the purchase of special government bonds. (b) Copy of the wire transfer into a bank account of the Treasury of the Republic of Cyprus. Any other document that might be requested either by the Ministry of Interior, or by the Ministry of Finance. None of the above affects the absolute discretion of the Cabinet of Ministers on taking a decision. 4.政府债券投资: (a)公共债务管理处购买特别政府债券的证明。 (b)电汇到塞浦路斯共和国财政部银行账户的副本。 内政部或财政部可能提出的任何其他文件。上述任何一项都不会影响内阁部长作出决定的绝对自由裁量权。 总的来说塞浦路斯投资入籍计划的申请条件就是: 1.200万欧元自住房即可申请欧盟护照;或者150万欧元商业房产+50万欧元自住,合计200欧元申请欧盟护照(其中50万自住房必须保留,其余150万房产3年后可以出售) 2.主申请人28岁以下子女及双方父母可以随同申请护照,但是需要额外购买50万欧元自住房; 3.塞浦路斯移民局将要求永居护照同时申请,先批复永居,再批复护照; 4. 无犯罪,身体健康; 关于项目周期:约8个月时间;先批复永居,需要2个月;再批复护照,6个月; 目前最常见的是200万欧元购房。我们已经有客户通过A.1方法,与当地开发商合作开发模式,成功申请塞浦路斯护照,历时8个月时间。在移民已经进入融资模式时代,在保证客户资金及身份安全的前提下,我们会提供更多融资模式,降低申请门槛,让更多客户收益。塞浦路斯护照咨询热线18680557904(手机&微信)。
