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24/03/2021 Recent Legislative Amendmentin TurkeyCBI/土耳其移民最新法案规定

There has been a recent legislative change in the Guideline Regarding the Regulation on  the Application of the Turkish Citizenship Law, dated 22.03.2021, where there have been  new amendments for property transactions between foreigners. Section Gofthe Guideline,  with the headline “Transactions Between Foreigners'", brings new conditions for the  property and purchaser for the applicant to be eligible to acquire Turkish citizenship.  Accordingly, the new conditions are

2021年3月22日,《土耳其国籍法实施条例指南》进行了一些修改,主要针对外  国人之间的房产交易。该指南的第G章节,标题为“外国人之间的交易”,对于有  资格获得土耳其公民身份的申请人新增了关于其房产和购买者的条件。新增条件如 下:

1- Property(s) subject to sale or preliminary sales agreement must not be registered in the  land registry on behalf of foreign real persons. (Including the foreign person's spouse and  children)


2- The property subject to sales or preliminary sales agreement should not be among the properties transferred to a Turkish citizen/company after 12.01.2017 by the foreign realartners  person who wishes to acquire citizenship, or its spouse and children, or by a foreign real person of the same nationality.

2017年1月12日之后,受出售或临时出售协议约束的房产不应属于想要获得土耳其国籍的外国自然人包括其配偶和子女,或具有相同国籍的外国人转让给土耳其公 民/公司的财产。

However, if the property registered in the name of a foreign real person is transferred to a  Turkish citizen/company after 12.01.2017, a foreign real person of a different nationality  is able to acquire citizenship with said property.


3- The property which the foreign real person will acquire and subject to the sale or  preliminary sales agreement should not beregistered;-Onbehalfof the company where  the foreign real person himselfherself, his/her spouse and children is a partner or  manager. -On behalf of the company subjected to Article 36of the Land Registry Law  (with foreign / international capital) where same nationality real person is a partner.  根据《土地注册法》第36条规定,外国自然人不得将获得的受出售或临时出售协议  约束的房产以公司(外国/国际资本)和具有相同国籍的合伙人(外国自然人)的名  义进行注册,或以该外国人自己或其配偶、子女、本公司管理者的名义进行注册。  

4 After a property has been used to acquire citizenship through title deed transfer or  preliminary sales contract, the same property or the share of property cannot be used to  acquire another citizenship.


Ex.: M, a foreigner, has concluded a preliminary sales contract for the full shares of the  property in Istanbul for 252.000USD,and has undertaken nottosellorrelease theproperty  for 3 years. This has been annotated to the Land Registry and Mhas received a conformity  certificate. After the duration of the 3 years annotation period, and even ifthe owner of the  property changes, the same property cannot be used by someone else to acquire Turkish  citizenship

例1:外国人M已在伊斯坦布尔签订了一份房产临时销售合同,价格为252.000美  元,并根据在公证处签订的临时销售合同,承诺不出售或让予该房产。该房产已经  在地政局进行了登记,并且M已经收到了合格证明。在登记的有效期到期后,即使  房产的所有者发生了变化,其他人也无法通过销售或临时销售合同将该房产用于获  取土耳其国籍或合格证明。

Ex.2:A, a foreigner, has purchased half share of a property for 255.000 UsD, and has  annotated not to sell the property for 3 years and has received a conformity certificate in  order to acquire Turkish citizenship. Even after the 3 years annotation period, the same  share cannot be used to acquire citizenship by a different foreigner through title deed  transfer or preliminary sales contract, even ifthe owner ofthe share changes.

例2:外国人A以255.000美元的价格购买了一半房产,并登记三年不出售该房产,  并已获得合格证书以获取土耳其国籍。在三年的登记有效期期满后,即使该部分房  产的所有者发生了变化,该部分房产也不能被其他外国人通过销售或临时销售合同  来获取土耳其公民身份。

5- If the foreigner who acquired Turkish citizenship by property investment sells the  property backafter3 years annotation period to the company orto the Turkishnationalwho  they have purchased it from, (unless the transfer is mandatory due to court decision,  enforcement etc.) or

-If the foreigner whoacquired Turkish citizenshiprevokes the annotation ofthe preliminary  sales contract from land registry record of the property and sells itto a third person, The  certificate of conformity that forms the basis for the acquisitionofcitizenship ofthe foreign  person and his/her family will be re-evaluated.

如果通过房产投资获得土耳其公民身份的外国人在登记的有效期期满后将该房产出  售给公司或购买该财产的土耳其国民(除非由于法院判决、强制执行等原因必须转  让),或在临时销售合同登记有效期到期后将房产卖给第三方,那么他/她应提交总  署,对作为获得土耳其公民身份的合格证明的签发进行重新评估。


6-Foreigners who have acquired Turkish citizenship through property investment and who  has the phrase "Has acquired citizenship in accordance with Article 12/b of Turkish  Citizenship Code no 5901” in their MERNIS(Central Population Management System)  .Part  Laregistry shall be deemed as foreigners under this scope until the annotation is lifted.  通过房产投资获得土耳其公民身份且在MERNIS登记表上有“已根据第5901号土  耳其公民法第12/b条获得公民身份”字样的外国人在其登记被批准前,在此条件下  应被视为外国人。

(These people cannot sell their annotated property for the duration of the annotation. They  may sell their other properties that are not under an annotation; to foreigners who do not  aim to acquire Turkish citizenship or to Turkish citizens, however they cannot sell their  property to foreigners that intend to use it to acquire Turkish citizenship.)

(这类人在其房产登记有效期期间不能出售所登记的房产。他们可能会将不在该登  记名下的其他房产出售给不打算获得土耳其国籍的外国人或土耳其公民,但他们不  能将其房产出售给打算用来获得土耳其国籍的外国人。)

7- People who have denunciated their Turkish citizenship under pemission (blue card  holders) will not be deemed as foreigners under this scope


8-Turkish nationals have another citizenship (dualcitizenship), shallbe deemed as Turkish  citizens for the transactions they will take part in.






